Throughout her life, Drew Barrymore, the famous American actress, has been deeply dedicated to the world of filmmaking, starting from her childhood where she starred in numerous movies, continuously enriching her filmography with captivating projects. Despite undergoing significant changes over the years, the star remains unapologetically open to transformations in her appearance. Recently, she boldly shared a photo without any filters on Joinfo.com.

Like many other celebrities, Drew Barrymore actively maintains a personal microblog on Instagram, where she candidly shares snippets of her everyday life, interactions with friends, updates about her own show, and insights into her work in the film industry. In one of her recent posts, the actress decided to devote some attention to herself.

As she celebrated her 47th birthday, Barrymore chose to reveal her natural, makeup-free appearance to her vast number of fans. She took selfies and fearlessly shared them on the social network. The photos showcased Drew without any makeup or styling, offering a genuine glimpse of her true self. Much to the delight of her followers, the actress received an outpouring of positive feedback.

“Drew, you’re gorgeous,” “You’re beautiful,” “You look AMAZING, girlfriend,” “49-year-olds have never looked this good,” “You look amazing,” “Natural beauty,” “You really shine,” “Don’t change a thing about yourself. You look great”, “Happy birthday, beautiful”,- wrote in the network.

People praised her smooth skin and fresh complexion, showering her with compliments. Many fans admired her true beauty, noting that she looks younger than her actual age. This display of honesty and vulnerability resonated with her audience, reminiscent of when actress Julia Vysotskaya also shared a candid photo on social media, which resulted in an abundance of enthusiastic comments from the public, showing the positive impact of such authentic interactions between celebrities and their fans.